another point of view (6): ‘bermain’ diferensiasi di konten

Another Point of View (6): ‘Bermain’ Diferensiasi di Konten

Celoteh Bisnis


Di awal dekade 2000’an, Jack Trout membuka bukunya yang berjudul “Differentiate or Die“, dengan pernyataan: “Differentiating products today is more challenging than at any other time in history. When our earliest ancestors wondered, “What’s for dinner?” the answer was clear: It was whatever the neighbourhood could run down, kill and bring back to the cave. Red meat? White meat? There was only one choice; it was a simpler time.”

Sudah berjalan hampir 2 dekade sejak buku itu dipublikasikan. Kini, mendiang Jack Trout pasti akan mencetak sangat tebal kata-kata “it was a simpler time” bila sempat mencetak ulang bukunya yang dulu sangat populer itu.

Konsep Diferensiasi Produk ini sendiri pertama kali diusulkan oleh Edward Chamberlin dalam Theory of Monopolistic Competition (1933).

Diferensiasi, mudahnya, adalah segala sesuatu yang bisa membedakan produk/jasa kita dengan merek lain yang sejenis.

*not finish yet, working progress*


A Father of two.
Love Marketing and Business Development. Currently expanding knowledge and expertise in coding and Website Development.

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